
समझौता करना - Meet one half way
I can't accept, but I am prepared to meet you half way.
बाल-बाल बचना - Narrow escape
No sooner did we run out of the burning house than it collapased. It was indeed a narrow escape.
कुछ भी हो तो भी - No matter
No matter where the thief tries to hide, the police will find him out.
कभी-कभी - Now and then
I don't often fall ill, but now and then I do catch cold.
जानबूझकर - On purpose
I suspect he made that mistake on purpose.
खुले दिल का आदमी - Open-hearted man
He is Open-hearted man and liked by all.
पूरी तरह से - Out and out
He is out and out a docile Character
थक जाना, जोर-जोर से सांस लेना - Out of breath
He ran very fast and was out of breath, when he reached here.
खफा होना - Out of favour
Mr. Arvind, once a great favourite of our boss, now seems to be out of favour with him.
पैसे न होना - Out of pocket
I am sorry I can not lend you any money as I am out of pocket myself.
दिलोजान से ( प्यार करना ) - Over head and ears
He is over head and ears in live with her.
डींग मारना - Plume oneself on
She always plumes himself on his record in mathmetics.
बुरे दिन के लिए बचत करना - Provide against a rainy day
Wise men save to provide against a rainy day.
मिलजुलकर काम करना - Pull Well with
I resigned my job because I could not pull well with my ill-tempered boss.
केस करना - Put on trail
Although he had not stolen any money he was out on trail.
लज्जित करना - Put one out of countenance
My friendly response to his hostile atitude Put him out of countenance.
बर्दाश्त करना - Put up with
How do you put up with that kind of noise whole day ?
रिहा करना - Set at liberty
As the police could not prove the case against the prisoner he was set at liberty.
घृणा करना - Set one's teeth on edge
His disgusting behavior set my teeth on edge.
नजदीक का रास्ता - Short cut
This lane is a short cut to my house.
करो या मरो - Sink or swim
I will never leave you. We shall sink or swim together.
बाल-बाल बचना - Skin of one's teeth
When the ship sank everybody drowned except Kiran who managed to escape with the skin of his teeth.
अप्रिय परिस्थिति में लोगों के बीच होना - Fish out of water
I felt like a fish out of water in the company of those scientists.
जान बूझ कर उल्टा व्यवहार करना - Fly in the face of
Why should you recklessly fly in the face  of danger.
हमेशा के लिए - For good
He proposes to leave India for good.
मन की बात प्रकट करने के लिए मजबूर करना  - Force one's hand
I forced his hand to learn the real motive behind his plan.
कुछ समय के लिए - For the time being
For the time being I am staying at a hotel, but I propose to rent a flat shortly.
बिना बताये चले जाना - French leave
The boss is angry with him for taking french leave.
मुसीबत में साथ न देने वाला मित्र - Fair feather friend
Most of the people you are associating with them these days are just fair weather friends.

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Synonyms (सामान अर्थ वाले या पर्यायवाची शब्द)

Abandon  (छोड़ देना)  : leave, forsake, give up Attain  (प्राप्त करना)  : gain, achieve, get, acquire Ascent  (चढ़ाई)  : rise, lift, ele...

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