
बीमार होकर बिस्तर पर पड़े रहना - Laid up with
He was out in the rain yesterday and now is laid up with could and fever.
मन में हंसना - Laugh in one's sleeve
He was wearing a funny dress at the party and everyone was laughing in his sleeve.
हुक्म चलाना - Lay down the law
In his house his wife lays down the law.
किसी को जरुरत से ज्यादा तकलीफ देना - Lead a person a dance
Why don't you pay him his dues instead of leading him a dance.
जिसका उत्तर प्रश्न में ही निहित है - Leading Question
The lawyer asked the witness many a leading Question.
कठिनाई में साथ छोड देना - Leave in the lurch
He stood by me as long as all was well, but left me in the lurch the moment he sensed danger.
बीती बातें भूल जाना - Let bygones be bygones
We are now friends, so let bygones be bygones
इंतजार में रहना - Lie in wait for
The tiger hid and lay in wait for its prey.
आसानी से जगने वाला व्यक्ति - Light sleeper
I am light sleeper and even a slight sound can wake me up.
ऐश आराम की जिन्दगी बिताना - Live it up
The rich man's son went to America and lived it up.
किसी को बहुत गुस्से से घूरना - Look dagger at someone
What have I done ? why are you looking dagger at me.
सही-सही लगना - Look every inch
He looks every inch a King.
धीरज खोना - Lose heart
Don't lose heart, everything will be all right in due course.
गड़बड़ घोटाला कर देना - Make a hush
Don't meddle in my cooking. You will make a hash of everything.
छोटी सी बात को बढ़ा-चढ़ाकर पेश करना - Make a mountain of a mole hill
This job will not take you More than a few minutes. So don't make a mountain of a molehill.
जीविका चलाना - Make a living
In India it is difficult to make a living as an artist.
चोरी से भाग जाना - Make away with
The theif made away with a thousand rupees.
विश्वास दिलाना - Make believe
The little girl made believe that she was a princess.
किसी का मजाक उड़ाना - Make fun of
We should not make fun of Dull students in the class.
सुलह करना - Make it up with
I had quarrelled with Shyam yesterday, but now I have made it up with him.
बहुत महत्तव देना - Make much of
Every mother makes much of her children.
चोरी से लेकर भाग जाना - Make off with
The theif made off with a thousand rupees.

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Synonyms (सामान अर्थ वाले या पर्यायवाची शब्द)

Abandon  (छोड़ देना)  : leave, forsake, give up Attain  (प्राप्त करना)  : gain, achieve, get, acquire Ascent  (चढ़ाई)  : rise, lift, ele...

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