
बदले में लेना-देना - Trade in
I traded in my old car for a new one.
फायदा उठाना - Trade on
I traded on his good nature to help me out of my financial difficulties
पहन कर देखना - Try on
The tailor asked me to try on the coat.
जाँच के लिए चलाकर देखना - Try out
You should try out that T.V. set before you finally buy it.
किसी के खिलाफ खड़े हो जाना - Turn against
We have been such good friends and I had no idea that he would turn against me.
प्रस्तुत करना - Turn in
He turned in his answer paper and came out of the examination hall.
निगरानी करना, रक्षा करना - Watch over
The dog faithfully watched over his master's sleeping child.
धुँधला पड़ना - Wear off
This colour will wear off soon.
समय नष्ट करना - While away
Get to work. Don't while away your time in trifles.
अनदेखी करना - Wink at
I can wink at his faults no longer.
किसी तरीके से खोलना - Work open
I had lost my suitcase's key, but somehow I managed to work it open.
मुख्यत :, खासकर - Above all
Above all, don't mention this to Hari.
हक्का-बक्का होना - Aghast at
As she entered the hospita she looked aghast at the bed of the wounded.
अचानक - All at once
All at once the sky became dark and it began to rain.
झगड़े का परिणाम/कारण - Apple of discord
Ever since their father's death this property has been an apple of discord between the two brothers.
बहुत प्रिय - Apple of one's eye
His lovely little daughter is the apple of his eye.
थोड़ा-सा भी - At all
He told me that he did not have any money at all.
दिए हुए वचन से मुकर जाना - Back out of
He backed out of the promise he had given me.
दुश्मनी - Bad blood
There is bad blood between the two brothers.
बहुत ध्यान से सुनना - Be all ears
The children were all ears as I began to tell the story of Mahabharat.
निश्चित रुप से - Be Bound
We are bound to be late If you don't hurry.
मर जाना - Be no more
Since her husband is no more she feels quite lost.
बुलाने पर हाजिर होना - Beck and call
You can not expect me to be at your beck and call everytime.
अनुकूल अवसर के लिए शांति से प्रतीक्षा करना - Bide and time

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Synonyms (सामान अर्थ वाले या पर्यायवाची शब्द)

Abandon  (छोड़ देना)  : leave, forsake, give up Attain  (प्राप्त करना)  : gain, achieve, get, acquire Ascent  (चढ़ाई)  : rise, lift, ele...

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