
समान स्वभाव के लोग - Birds of a feather
Birds of a feather tend to flock together.
बदनाम आदमी - Black sheep
Rohan is the black sheep of the family.
जी जान से - Body and soul
He gave himself body and soul to the pursuit of learning.
जिगरी दोस्त - Bosom friend
Ramesh and Rakesh are bosom friend
छुपने के स्थान से बाहर आना - Break cover
The enemy resumed heavy firing as the soldier broke cover.
राज खोलना - Bring to light
The C.I.D. brought to light a hideous conspiracy to assassnate the police chief.
दिन दहाड़े - Broad daylight
Yesterday, the bank near our house was robbed in broad daylight.
विचारों में मग्न रहना - Brown study
Shyam is in the habit of getting into brown study.
आहिस्ता-आहिस्ता - By and By
By and by people began to come into the lecture hall.
बात-बात में यूँ ही - By the way
By the way, are you going to church ?
साफ-साफ कह देना - Call a spade a spade
I am not rude but at the same time I don't hesitate to call a spade a spade.
मौत की सजा - Capital punishment
The murderer was awarded Capital punishment.
इंतजार में रहना - Cast about for
He will cast about for an opportunity to take revenge on you.
जाना, भागना - Clear off
Don't bother me. Clear off !
बाल-बाल बचना - Close shave
My car was just about to dash against the lamp post. It was quite a close shave.
पता चलना - Come to light
The conspiracy came to light at the right time and plotters were arrested.
मिलता-जुलता होना - Correspoding to
While digging in the field other day I found an old coin Correspoding to the one shown in this picture.
विस्तार से कहना - Cover a lot of ground
In his very first lecture the professor covered a lot of ground.
बिल्कुल खिलाफ - Dead against
Her mother is dead against her acting in the films.
कतई पूरा न होने वाला - Dead loss
He invested quite a lot of money in paper business but it proved to be a dead loss.
आधी रात को - Dead of light
The theif entered the house at dead of night.
बहुत थका हुआ - Dead tired
Having walked Four miles I felt dead tired and immediately fell asleep.
मार डालना - Done to death
The poor man was done to death by repeated lathi blows on the head.
मर्यादा तय करना - Draw a line
I can at the most give you one thousand rupees. And then I must draw a line.
मिलने जाना - Drop in on
Do drop in on me whenever you have the time.
छोड़ देना - Drop out of
He had to drop out of the race when his car broke down.
शराब पीकर आने वाली झूठी वीरता - Dutch courage
He showed a lot of dutch courage, but got frightened as the drink wore off.

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Synonyms (सामान अर्थ वाले या पर्यायवाची शब्द)

Abandon  (छोड़ देना)  : leave, forsake, give up Attain  (प्राप्त करना)  : gain, achieve, get, acquire Ascent  (चढ़ाई)  : rise, lift, ele...

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