
राजी होना, दिल करना - Have a mind
He can be very funny If he has a mind.
आराम होना - Have an easy time of it
As long as Mr. Narayan was there as the manager the staff had an easy time of it, but now things have changed.
निर्दोष पाना - Have clean hands
You can't suspect him of taking bribery. I am sure his hands are clean.
कोई काम हांथ में होना - Have in hand
What job do you have in hand at present.
झगड़ा करना - Have it out with
I am sure he has cheated me, and I am going to have it out with him.
अपनी ही बात करना - Have one's way
Little children must have their way in everything.
एक ही साथ अनेक काम करने की कोशिश करना - Have too many irons in the fire
Beware of your health breaking down under the strain of overwork, I think you have too many irons in the fire.
ऐश आराम की जिन्दगी - High living
Many diseases are brought on by high living.
ठीक समय होना - High time
 It is high time to get up.
घुल-मिल जाना - Hot it off
She and her husband do not seem to hit it off.
खामोश रहना - Hold one's tongue
She talked so much that I had to ask her to hold her tongue.
रिश्वत - Hush money
A lot of hush money passed between the minister and his favourite business house.
सब मिलाकर - In a body
The boys went in a body to the headmaster to request him to declare a holiday on account of their winning a cricket match.
दुविधा में पड़ना - In a fix
I could not decide whether to leave or stay - I was in a fix.
गुस्से में होना - In a temper
The boss seems to be in a temper today.
संक्षेप में - In a word
In a word, he doesn't care for your company.
सब मिलाकर - In all
In all there were thirty students in the class.
बार-बार जेल जाने वाला अपराधी - Jail bird
He being a notorious jail bird the judge did not show any mercy to him.
बिल्कुल सही - Just the thing
You are being critical but in my opinion Rajesh's appointment to this post is just the thing.
निगरानी रखना - Keep an eye on
Please keep an eye on my suitcase while I buy my ticket.
संपर्क बनाए रखना - Keep in touch with
He wants to keep in touch with his family living here.
देर तक जागे रहना - Keep late hours
If you keep late hours, you will ruin your health.
एक ही समय में दो काम करना - Kill two birds with one stone
While in Mumbai I will call on a friend and also do some shopping. Thus, I will kill two birds with one stone.
शक्ल से पहचानना - Know by sight
I know him by sight

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Synonyms (सामान अर्थ वाले या पर्यायवाची शब्द)

Abandon  (छोड़ देना)  : leave, forsake, give up Attain  (प्राप्त करना)  : gain, achieve, get, acquire Ascent  (चढ़ाई)  : rise, lift, ele...

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