
किसी से दुश्मनी मोल लेना - Fall foul of
If this new clerk continues with his criticism like this he will soon fall foul of the manager.
सहमत होना - Fall in with
He found my plan very profitable and so readily fell in with it.
नसीब में होना - Fall to one's lot
I fell to my lot to become a writer.
पारिवारिक समानता - Family likeness
There is a family likeness between the two cousins.
धीरे-धीरे प्रगति करना - Gain ground
India lost the first two matches, but began to gain ground gradually.
आगे निकल जाना - Get ahead of
Ramesh has got ahead of Karan in mathmetics.
बदला लेना - Get even with
The other day Karan made a fool of Rakesh. And now Karan wants to get even with him.
मतलब समझ पाना - Get bold of
I was quite for from the stage and couldn't get hold of what the speaker was saying.
झंझट में पड़ना - Get into a soup
You will get into a soup if you neglect your studies like this.
छुटकारा पाना - Get ride of
Don't ask what all I had to do to get rid of a bore like Rohan.
काम पूरा करना - Get through with
When will you get through with your homework.
रहस्य का पता लगाना - Get wind of
There was a well-gurded conspiracy, but somehow the government got wind of it.
अवसर देना - Give a break
Would you like to give me a break.
कोसना - Give a peace of mind
He is so negligent in his work that I had to give him a piece of my mind.
कोई भी खतरा मोल लेना - Go through fire and water
A patriot is ready to go through fire and water to serve his motherland.
कोई काम अंत तक करते रहना - Go through with
Do you have the determination enough to go through with this job.
कानून का सहारा लेना - Go to law
In India, people go to law on very petty issues.
कोई काम ध्यानपूर्वक करना - Go to town
The enterior decorater went to town on my flat and made it like a place.
बहुत मात्रा में - Good deal
This sofa set has cost me a good deal of money.
प्रसन्नचित होना - Good humour
He has got a promotion today so he is in good humour.
बड़े जोर-जोर से - Hammer and tongs
The opposition went for the government's policies hammer and tongs.
बहुत नाजुक स्थिति में होना - Hang by a thread
Ramesh has been badly injured in the train accident and he is still hanging by a thread.
कुछ हद तक बहरा - Hard of hearing
You will have to speak a little louder, as Mr. Roa is hard of hearing.
रुपयों की तंगी होना - Hard up
Ever since he has left his job he has been quite hard up.
अक्सर, बधुआ - Every Now and then
We are very good friends and visit each other, every Now and then.
तंग आ जाना - Fed up with
I am Fed up with this daily drudgery.
भाईचारा, अपनापन - Yellow feeling
One should have fellow feelings for all.
जानकारी देना - Fill one in
As Ramesh could not attend the meeting He asked me to Fill him in.

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Synonyms (सामान अर्थ वाले या पर्यायवाची शब्द)

Abandon  (छोड़ देना)  : leave, forsake, give up Attain  (प्राप्त करना)  : gain, achieve, get, acquire Ascent  (चढ़ाई)  : rise, lift, ele...

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