ENGLISH                               HINDI                                    SENTENCE  

you are good for nothing ---- तुम किसी काम के नहीं हो -----golu you are good for nothing.

you are shit of cat------------तुम किसी काम के नहीं हो-----golu you are shit of cat.

there is something fishy------दाल में कुछ काला है --------I think there is something fishy.

make a mountain of a mole hill--राई का पहाड़ बनाना ----don't make a mountain of a mole hill.

at the instance of anyone-----किसी के कहने पर ------------- he jump into a well at the instance of anyone.

in order to----------------के सिलसिले में ---------------------sir is going to jabalpur in order to business.

set one's cap on anyone------------डोरे डालना -------------------my friend set his cap on my girlfriend.

snake in grass---------------आस्तीन का सांप   -------------my friend is snake of grass.

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Synonyms (सामान अर्थ वाले या पर्यायवाची शब्द)

Abandon  (छोड़ देना)  : leave, forsake, give up Attain  (प्राप्त करना)  : gain, achieve, get, acquire Ascent  (चढ़ाई)  : rise, lift, ele...

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